
Consent to personal data processing and advertising and information material receipt

This Consent (hereinafter, the "Consent") regulates the relations between MOKKA Expo Group LLC (hereinafter, the "Operator") and an individual / legal entity (hereinafter, the "User") regarding the provision and processing of the User's personal data, as well as the receipt of advertising and information materials about events held by the Operator.

The processing of personal data is conducted in accordance with Federal Law No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" dated 27.07.2006 (hereinafter, the "Law").

1. The User provides his/her personal data on the web-sites,,, and  by filling in the on-line application, and the Operator conducts the processing of the personal data of the User either with or without using automation means.

2. The User hereby confirms that all the data specified by them belongs to them personally and is responsible for providing personal data of another individual / legal entity.

3. The User confirms that any of their actions: clicking the "Send", "Register", "Sign up", "Leave an application" buttons, putting "✓" mark in the corresponding sections on,,, and  websites, is a sufficient form of consent and allows the parties to confirm the fact of obtaining such consent, while no other evidence is required for additional confirmation of the User's free will.

4. The Consent to personal data processing comes into force from the moment it is confirmed by the User on the website,,, and  by putting a mark in the "Agree" column.And it is valid until the User's request to stop processing personal data / refuse to receive advertising and information materials from the Operator.

5. The User agrees that the Operator has the right to store and process, including automated, any information related to the User's personal data in accordance with the Law, including collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification, use to obtain information and letters, transfer, anonymization, destruction of personal data provided by the User.

6. The User gives consent to the processing of the following personal data: full name, contact phone number, e-mail address.

7. The User agrees to receive advertising and information messages about the Operator's events (services) in the form of SMS messages, and/or emails, and/or messages in messengers, and/or push notifications, and/or social networks, and/or through phone calls, which can be sent to the User's addresses (e-mail, phone) specified during registration on the sites,,, and

8. This Consent may be withdrawn by the User at any time, in whole or in part, by sending a corresponding request to the Operator's email address at and by clicking the corresponding link in the message/ letter.